Each piece is carefully handcraft and non
repeatable. Therefore, the process of every piece requires time of study, trial and error.

First of all, I sketch every piece to get an idea of what I want. I research color, texture, shape and put it on paper.

I typically use white porcelain clay that has a good white/beige finish. ย This gives my work the possibility of infinite decorations.

Recently I have been experimenting with mixing different kinds of porcelain.

Each clay has a different consistency and character so is a constantly discover of new possibilities

Once I have completed forming my piece, I use my fingers or a wooden tool that helps me quickly and accurately to define the shape that Iโ€™m looking for.

Lately Iโ€™m skipping bisque firing but there are some pieces that requires bisque firing in order to be properly glaze. Pieces that have been bisque fired are much easier to glaze as it adheres to the clay body.

So after the pieces are fully dry or bisque firing I prepare them for โ€œglazing firingโ€ which is high temperature. 1260 c . It takes about 2 days for the kiln to cooked them.

After the glaze firing is complete, pieces usually need a quick sand or grind to ensure any sharp edges are removed.

Then, when all the pieces are perfectly glaze I select a few to do a โ€œthird firingโ€ to put the gold luster, iris luster or bronze luster on them.

This is my favorite step of all the process.

When you open the kiln and see the shine of all the pieces and still warm.

The last step for the pieces. Metal elements are added to complete the process. I usually work with stainless steel or Silver 975.

Studs get their posts, necklaces get chains and earrings get wires too.

And last but not least, I try them all to make sure is not too heavy, uncomfortable or fragile to wear.

You will receive your pieces on a box and a little flyer with all the process explanation and product care.

All the packaging is eco- friendly. The boxes are made entirely out of sugar cane fibers. 0% bleaching chemicals.

Thank you for taking the time to read the process and understand the value of every piece I make.
Feel free for contact me for anything!

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